Browsing Archive: August, 2010

Fan Photo Of The Day

Posted by Molly on Saturday, August 21, 2010, In : Fan Art 
Wow, this is REALLY cool! This is a picture made by Sylvia. She took a bunch of thumbnails of Jason and put them together like a collage. But if you look closely, all of the pictures make up one big picture of Jason! Pretty amazing, right? To top it off, Sylvia sent it to them on Facebook and minutes later it was their "Fan Photo Of The Day"! How cool is that?! Congrats, Sylvia! It's a really awesome picture :)

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Be A Part Of Rick's Birthday Video!

Posted by Molly on Thursday, August 19, 2010, In : Announcements 

Hey everyone! I'm so happy to announce that the Lifehouse community is making Rick a birthday video like we did for Jason! Rick's birthday is September 20th, so you'll have about a month to send in your submission. Please do not wait until the last minute! You should send the following to Hannah at

Subject: Rick’s Birthday Video Submission

Your Name
Your Country
Your Message/Graphic/Etc.

You can make graphics or simply send a message. So get started on those message...

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What Do You Want To See At Fool For Lifehouse?

Posted by Molly Neidig on Tuesday, August 10, 2010,
I want to try and make Fool For Lifehouse the best that it can be. But to do that, I need a little help. I would like some of YOUR feedback and input about what you would like to see going on at this site. Please, suggest anything that you may have in mind! Everything will certainly be considered and I would really appreciate the ideas :) To give your input, head over to "The Site" page and answer some questions. Thanks!
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Everything Lifehouse Logo Contest!

Posted by Molly on Monday, August 9, 2010, In : Contests 
Yep, there's another contest you need to hear about. This one is brought to you by the Everything Lifehouse Community! But first you need to be a member of the ELH Forum. To join, click here - ELH Forum. So put on your thinking caps and check this out:

Contest Description
With this contest, you are to create a type of logo design for The logo can include anything, such as, pictures, fonts, textures, etc. You may create a simple logo with text-only, or a logo with pictur...
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Lifehouse Cake Contest!

Posted by Molly on Sunday, August 8, 2010, In : Contests 
That's right Lifehouse fans! There's a Lifehouse Cake Contest going on for Lifehouse: Behind The Video Blogs, and there's only 17 days left! Here's what you do:

"The idea is for you to produce a cake that has something to do with Lifehouse, take a couple of pictures of it, and send in your photos. Now, don't worry, the rules of this contest are very relaxed. You don't have to bake the cake yourself – you can buy a blank cake and decorate it, or do whatever you want. All you have to do is hav...
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A Lifehouse Dessert!

Posted by Molly on Sunday, August 8, 2010, In : Fan Food 
Thanks to Taylor Stanley and Lexi Kay, I've got some new (delicious!) pictures for you guys! The other day I spotted these on Twitter and thought I just HAD to post these on here! They're uber creative and look scrumptious! I'm not sure I would have wanted to eat them though! Nice jobs girls! They look great :) Leave a comment telling me what you think and remember, you can also send me your creations as well! And they can be anything!

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Jason Wade Deviant Art!

Posted by Molly on Tuesday, August 3, 2010, In : Fan Art 
Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of posts, but I was having some site problems. But everything's okay now and I've got some new creations for you to look at! These pictures come from Sama Taqi and her Deviant Art website They are both of Jason Wade, done on her computer. The first one only took her about 15 minutes to do using paint! Pretty great, right?

This next one really blows me away. It looks just like a photograph taken of Jason, but it's part Vexel and part pai...

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